A hilarious nonprofit competition to Make America Great Again!
Transparency, volunteerism and achieving great results is how you “Virtue Signal” in this competition!
FORSYTH AREA SPORTS TEAMS, (FAST) is a 501 (c) 3 EIN 26-0354205 is better known as “The Atlanta Volunteers”
You can use a real or bogus email and information to login. A bogus email only allows one login and there is no way to recover your account.

This flag will be near the beach at Mary Alice Park. Take a selfie with the flag from your boat to register for the parade. Once you post the picture you are in the parade for as long as you are logged in and from anyplace on the lake. The tools inside this website lets you find a share your July 4 celebrations with other boaters in raft ups, on beaches or anyplace on the lake.
Pirate games raise money for special needs camps and services through the Atlanta Volunteers. 98% of donated funds go to programs and services and 2% goes to Paypal.