What type of nonprofit would use QR tramp stamps for referral marketing?
This site introduces a new genre called “altruistic comedy.” A community owned, crowd sourced, interactive TV series called “Special Heroes” joyfully shows you how good deeds and good cheer can improve the quality of life for the least of us. Anyone can become cast or crew or be an Agent that finds cast or crew by just having somebody scan your QR code. We can mail you QR stickers, QR bling or temporary tattoos that open to your own webpage. Using speech to text you can have fun with your QR code by changing the message, pictures and links it displays in less than 10 seconds. It’s even quicker if you load saved messages. If you are in a club, concert or church where it is too loud to talk, let people use their phone cameras again and again on your tramp stamp to scan for new messages. Your tramp stamp can be just like an electronic billboard changing pictures and messages quicky to keep people’s attention. Right below the messages they see your thrift and volunteer exchange and all the loony booty you have. Your booty will do all the talking.