Scripts 1 & 2

Script 1 – Instructions for organizations and sponsors
There will be two videos. The first video involves just one person and produces an instructional video for volunteers, organizations and sponsors and explains how to use the software. The second video introduces organizations, sponsors and activities to the general public and explains how to get involved.

Other information about the nonprofits and the events wi Ideally a different person would read each sentance but it depends on participation. Each person would be at a different location doing a different activity. As many different locations, activities, organizations and businesses should be used as possible.
Lip synching will be used for all of the audio. Put your cell phone in a holder or improvised stand in a quiet room, do not hold it with your hand. Read and record your script using any type of recording program. You now have broadcast quality audo. Go to your shooting location with another person who will film you with their cell phone. You will shoot video and then it will be pasted over your audio.
To help you with lip synchronization, you can play the audio with your own cell phone while being recorded with the second cell phone. It won’t matter if the person recording you is 100 feet away, you are in a crowd, on a boat, in the water or doing anything you can produce your clip and still have flawless audio.
