Hi John!
I have been looking at your website and the videos that you have made. You are a great PR person! I would like to propose an exchange. You do PR I will do editing, and computer stuff.
I would like to know more about your mission, vision and goals for your nonprofit. You gave me a little background, what else is there? I want to ask you to narrate some instructional video and as an exchange you could have your nonprofit listed on the piratedivebar.com website. You get 100% of the donation when your donor link is clicked.
A little bit more about me. I took photography in college as a minor after producing a lot of super 8 productions in High school. I worked as an underwater photography pro in Bonaire right out of college for two years then three years in Grand Cayman. I became a paramedic then worked a few more movie gigs while working as a paramedic. Here are a few of them, I don’t edit my page at IMDB so a lot of productions missing. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3499947/
The discovery channel shot episode 9, of the ultimate car challenge in the underwater studio at my house. (82’ long & 12’ deep) It was called “The amphibious vehicle”.
Part of my software is a new method of media production with interactive commercials, more about that later.
There are a number of instructional videos that I need to produce to explain my software. I would like you to be the star in those videos. To produce them you would read the script in its entirety then go back and shoot a few random very short “live to tape” clips. These would be for the opening, closing and highlights and could be from any location you want to use.
When you start out with a sound track already completed, video is very easily pasted over it or small portions are replaced with “live to tape.” This really simplifies the production. If your live to tape sections don’t work out, you don’t have to include them. If they do, great!
If a cell phone is placed in a holder, in a quiet room it can produce broadcast quality audio. A finished sound track can be completed at home in less than an hour by simply by reading from a printed script. I will add screen graphics and B roll.
One of the printed scripts is below.
Venue = “A thrift and volunteer exchange.”
This form produces presets, QR codes and shareable links so that anyone can “Get Loony.” In a few minutes you can design and operate your own thrift and volunteer exchange.
A thrift and volunteer exchange is where you redeem your donation reward points called loonies for goods, services, skits, prizes and adventure.
Your venue lists locations, social media links, live-streaming, volunteer coupons and epiphanies. Volunteer coupons list goods and services. Epiphanies list skits, prizes and adventure. With one click on a volunteer coupon or epiphany, loonies are transferred from your account to their account. A receipt appears on your phone. The other person looks at your phone and sees the receipt. A receipt also appears on their account, your account and on the public ledger for anybody to view.
No bar code, scanner, hardware, software or downloaded app is needed for this hands free transfer.
You can get loony by volunteering, donating items or through PayPal when you donate to your favorite charity.
You can operate fund raising events that raise thousands for your charity and not handle any cash or credit cards at your event. Each charity immediately gets 100% of the donation made through PayPal.
Here are a few ways you can use venues
You are playing darts, pool or having a karaoke challenge at your local sports bar where you can see online or live players who have checked into that sports bar venue. Everyone will be able to live-stream, chat or gamble with loonies. Any type of social media live-streaming can be used or you can use our built in zoom and chat rooms.
If you are at a concert, and somebody has listed the concert as a venue you will be able to find and chat with them to form a group dancing and singing, possibly to create social media.
If you have listed your apartment clubhouse as a venue, you can leave a post up for months to see who can exchange kids clothes and toys at the clubhouse. It could be for free or for a few loonies.
If there is dog poop not picked up at your apartment complex, you can offer to pick it up for 100 loonies or more. You can then trade the loonies at your clubhouse for household items or anything else. You can even arrange ride shares and car pooling from your clubhouse.
At your HOA clubhouse and pool, you might want to have a party to support your favorite charity. No cash or credit cards will be used at your party and yet it may generate thousands of dollars for your favorite charity!
You create a venue for your HOA clubhouse. You create an “Epiphany” that will describe and advertise the party weeks in advance. People can create their own volunteer coupons and epiphanies and list them at the HOA venue for the party. People will have time to plan and prepare by exchanging messages about the preparation of food, decorations, costumes, skits, performances, games, booty prizes and booby prizes so that everyone can “Get Loony.”
The party plan is to have live players create so much fun that online party goers attend, donate and support your charity. The people at the party could create interactive skits and fun that will “Catfish” the online players to “Get Loony” by gambling on skits, contests and fun.
As the host, your title is the “Bootymaster.” The Bootymaster decides on the exchange rate of tokens. A public ledger enables electronic loonies to traded for poker chips or monopoly money then at the end of the game be traded back into loonies. Online players can use electronic loonies in the same game where people at the event are using monopoly money or poker chips. Colored elastic bands worn on your wrist can indicate different amounts of loonies and party debt you owe and can be used just like poker chips. No cash or credit cards are ever at risk and anytime a credit card is used for tokens, 100% goes right into the account of the nonprofit chosen! You can also assign a token value to food, drinks, booty prizes, booby prizes and volunteer duties at your event. “I see in your account (or elastic bands on your wrist) that you have 22 loonies. Here is a steak medium rare for 20 loonies. Thanks for the 20 loonies. Do you want a plate for that steak? It will be another 10 loonies, you better donate quick, that steak is going to burn. 5 people watching have bet 100 loonies you will eat it with your hands and three people bet you will burn your fingers. Are you going to want one of them fancy craft beers you brought, remember you gave it to the Bootymaster for admission? You thought it was just going in the cooler? Sorry, we are auctioning the last one now. Better donate again to “Get Loony.”