Door Prizes

Round 1 Ticket Purchases

Round 1 ticket purchase of 2 tickets.  Purchase ID 02/01/202318:47:12 Host 33
Your ticket #s start on # 1 and end on 2
The total number of tickets sold prior to your purchase is
Round 1 running total is 2 tickets
Your odds of winning went from 1 in to your new odds of 1 in 5000

Round 1 ticket purchase of 4 tickets.  Purchase ID 02/01/202318:48:16 Host 33
Your ticket #s start on # 3 and end on 6
The total number of tickets sold prior to your purchase is 2
Round 1 running total is 6 tickets
Your odds of winning went from 1 in 5000 to your new odds of 1 in 1666.6666666666667

Round 1 ticket purchase of 4 tickets.  Purchase ID 02/01/202319:09:12 Host 33
Your ticket #s start on # 7 and end on 10
The total number of tickets sold prior to your purchase is 6
Round 1 running total is 10 tickets
Your odds of winning went from 1 in 1666.6666666666667 to your new odds of 1 in 1000

Round 1 ticket purchase of 1 tickets.  Purchase ID
Your ticket #s start on # 11 and end on 11
The total number of tickets sold prior to your purchase is 10
Round 1 running total is tickets
Your odds of winning went from 1 in 1000.00 to your new odds of 1 in 909.09