Tutorial -Altruistic Competition

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In the previous video you learned the business structure of the Pirate Dive Bar and the Co-op currency called a “Loony”.  In this video you get an orientation of how this collaborative and competitive software altruistically works.
Altruistic competition is when people collaboratively compete to improve the quality of life for others.
This needs some unpacking.
Lets start with something we mentioned during the introduction video, a barn raising bee.  For the pilgrims landing at Plymouth rock, building a shelter was the very first thing they did.  We are going to do the same thing. 
The shelter we are building has a name.  It is called the “Tropical Adventure Competition”.  It is a 30 episode TV series that creates the production studio that is our co-op shelter.
After our shelter is built, which forms the co-op, you will be able to launch your own video production with the collaboration and funding created by the shelter. This is similar to how a single barn started the creation of a whole town.
We have shot the pilot episode for the TV series, here is a 30 second trailer.
A world wide first, called an Ability Team is featured throughout our series and is thoroughly explained in our book and website. This world wide first is a major media event that will draw a large audience for our series, and make the Pirate Dive Bar a household word.
The first episode will also introduce interactive commercials world wide.  These are a paradigm shift for advertising.  Dynamic productions from collaborative competitions will also be introduced on this series. This series will be filled full of world wide firsts.  Most TV, movies and social media is static.  This means that once you create content you move on and never touch it again, our productions are dynamic, in a very unique way.
Similar to a barn raising bee, we are a co-op. Everyone works together to produce the best product possible which describes an ever changing dynamic video is. 
Anybody can make changes up to the competition deadline for the production and the winners for each step of the production are chosen.  For example, the best narration, the best editing, the best special effects and so on.  For each step in the production, there is competition to collaboratively produce an episode that improves the quality of life for people with disabilities.  The entire Co-op shares the benefits from each successful production.  This is why everybody wants to help everybody else.
This is what we mean by an altruistic competition and dynamic episodes.
These dynamic episodes can also be called storyboarding.  Even though the youtube episode looks great, perhaps it could be tweaked for the TV series?  Since everybody in the Co-op has access to all the production material, this is the exact opposite of the secrecy and greed of how media is currently produced.  Everything you do at the pirate dive bar has an automatic timestamp copyright attached to it.  This is not a registered copyright that you pay $45 dollars for, this is the first step in that process.  The copyright material is in the public domain and everyone has fair use of it, just like all copyrighted material.  You can not own or sell the material but you have fair use of it.  So now everyone in the Co-op can collaborate and compete to win dozens of competitions found throughout each production.  Each time you win a competition, you get a greater share of the production revenue.
The software is very simple to use.    A production has tasks. You find a task and complete it.  A dozen people might also complete that task but a winner for each task is chosen such as the best narrator, editor or special effects .  The video is produced using the winners of each task.
We are going to explain the very last step in our collaborative competition then take you to the beginning.
This is a task skeleton found at the pirate dive bar.  Each task is called a bone. When you complete a task you put meat on the bones. Once all your bones have meat on them, your skeleton walks out the door.
The default skeleton for an episode of the Tropical Adventure Competition is shown here.  You select from a library (graveyard) of (pirate) skeletons.  You can customize the bones in the default skeleton or create a new one from scratch.  Hyperlinks attach completed tasks to the bones. 
So that is the last step besides getting pay, prizes, shares, recognition and creating more content.
Now that you know where we you are going to end up, lets go back to the beginning with a very quick walk through of what we call work.
At the top menu you will see that there are three basic sections to the Pirate Dive Bar, Work, Play and High Seas.  You work at a production studio, you play with comedy and funding and you find resources on the high seas.
Each section has three major sections and a few sub sections.  Work has Coaches Office, Tryouts and Producers Office. Play has Discover, Epiphany and Customize.  High seas has booty, equipment and tools but you have keep an aye out for them.
We start at the Coaches Office.  Here you will create a team and team pages.
Three positions are needed to create a team, the Coach, Hero and Producer. The Coach represents the for profit, the Hero represents the nonprofit and the Producer represents the crew.  The Coach chooses the Hero and the Producer.  The Coach has final say over the team.
During the building of our production shelter 30 Coaches will create 30 episodes.  You might have one or two coaches creating more than one episode but that would be rare.
After your team is set up the first thing every story needs is a good script.  To get a good script you have to work with what you have.  This includes ideas, locations, equipment, props, wardrobe, skills and more.  The team pages assemble everything so your team can brainstorm and create an intriguing script and story from what the co-op has.
The tool called the customizer create things just like the replicator does in Sci Fi movies except ours is real.
You use the customizer to design your templates and anything such as challenges, bets, bribes, party rules, Karaoke challenges and food to the feed the mermaids. The templates are customized for the type of story you are telling.  A horror story or car repair is much different than the template for the factual docu-series that we will start with.
We start with the template that creates the team pages. Other templates create the story, cast & crew and shareholders.
Story development is where most youtube videos can be instantly improved. The team pages allow one or dozens of people to easily create the most important part of the production, the script.
Everytime you work or play three things are automatically created for you.  A time stamped copyright, a hyperlink and a public ledger entry.  This lets everyone find and share information easily.
The edit button found on every form, is similar to you waking up after a hang over at the Pirate Dive Bar and saying “I will never do that again, and this time I mean it”.  The edit button lets you take your time to get things right and dynamically update your form days later when you recover.
The team pages have a research button for efficient time management that breaks the team pages into research sections. There is no reason to listen to great ideas about the soundtrack if you want to paint the set.  The research button lets you view all the comments, materials, skills and brainstorming for one section at a time.
Lets look at how we set up the team pages for the Tropical Adventure Competition.
The Tropical Adventure Competition is a factual docu-series where each episode solves a problem then celebrates.
Our team pages gather information to discuss a Hero and a quality of life problem. The team pages also gather information to plan out the celebration and adventure.  The celebration is the “Tropical Adventure Competition”.   You compete to have the most fun as you celebrate an adventure with purpose.
In our production the Coach is a family member of a Hero with a disability. The team turns the Hero into a Super Hero by solving the problem.  The Coaches entries into the team pages start us off with anecdotes and facts about the Hero.  Family members, friends and others can all make entries in the 20 or so spots found in the team pages.
The tryouts begin right after a team is formed and don’t have to wait until the team pages are completed.
A tryout is an effort to join a team.  All tryouts use the same form. It has a copyright timestamp, a hyperlink, a public ledger entry and other information.   Tryouts have four broad categories.  Team pages, Story, Cast & Crew and Shareholders.
The team pages are brainstorming for creative content.  The story is the technical production.  The cast and crew are the talent and skills and the shareholders are going to walk the plank.
Tryouts are not sequential and can start anytime for anything.  We are going to start with tryouts for the team pages. 
This is a selfless altruistic competition. Your tryout competes for the all the Heroes and not for yourself or just one Hero.  Your tryout can win paid spots on the team and appearances sailing, scuba diving and paid adventure in the Tropical Adventure Competition. As good as that sounds, you are participating in a barn raising bee to create our production shelter.  You are on the ground floor and part of something much bigger.  Your public ledger honestly and factually virtue signals for you with a point score and solid evidence of how you helped a Hero turn into a Super Hero!  Even if you are not sailing in the tropics with the production, you are solidly recognized on the public ledger as being on the production team.
For a team page tryout there are about 20 different sections on the team page and each section might have 20 entries.  Use the research button to choose one section.  All the entries for that section appear.  Read through them then create your tryout for that section.  Your tryout collaborates with all the other entries so you can compete for the teams.  For example near the top of the team pages is a section that says “Introduce our Hero”.  The research button shows you maybe a dozen different entries.  Even if you have never met the Hero, you can read the entries then write an introduction to the Hero from those entries.  This is your tryout.  If you are not ready for a tryout you can leave a comment in that section to help others.  When somebody creates a tryout, they are listed as a competitor.  You can look at competitors and help them improve their tryout by leaving comments, collaborating with them or sending them loonies.
Anyone can tryout to be an Assistant Producer.  We have the Bootymaster guess what we call the Assistant Producer)  The assistant producer chooses winners to complete the script skeleton and then the production checklist.  This puts the entire production together.  The producer picks the assistant producer or does the job themselves.  The Coach then approves of what the Producer has chosen.
The production checklist completes the requirements to qualify for the competition even though the episode is not quite finished.  The first 30 teams to qualify, start the competition.  You can reserve a spot to produce an episode with a timestamp, but you can lose the timestamp if you miss a production deadline.  You can auction the timestamp instead of losing it.
Detailed information for other types of tryouts are discussed later.  The next section is the comedy lab and how you can create comedy, social media, parties, boat raft ups, events but we start with funding for yourself.  It also contains a very easy work around for getting paid or appearing in an episode called a referral.
I am shoving off!