The most important thing a volunteer can do is to create or add avenue to favorites. A venue is a location where you can volunteer fromonlineor inperson. This lets you meet people to discuss and plan the completion of our three challenges.
Watch the three videos below to understand how to complete the challenges. For the first challenge, change our QR code, to your QR code (found on your country page) in this promo flyer, or use it to inspire your own flyer. Create fun events at your favorite dog friendly restaurant. Make connections with local pet suppliers or your restaurant for prizes. Include volunteering as a prize or punishment for losers. In this first challenge you learn how to connect with and support your local animal shelter to have fun and meet new dogs.
Get to know the task list for the first two challenges and follow it if you can to make social media. Use it to complete the third challenge. Loony coupons, explained in the videos make any social media you create interactive to support nonprofits. Create social media of your volunteer challenge and post your social media link on your country page. This creates traffic from here to your social media channel. Post your country link on your social media channel to capture citizens for your motley crew. (Your crew is probably already planning a mutiny!)
#1 Animal rescue – 1 hour challenge time. During your event create a promo video for your next event. See who can meet the most new dogs and post pictures of them. Encourage donations to your local Humane society or animal shelter by awarding prizes to the winners of games and events. The losers could get creative volunteering agreed upon before the challenge.
#2 Environment – 1 month challenge time- Create an interactive video of any length showing your team doing some front lines volunteering. Choose any type of volunteering that spreads good cheer or good deeds. Encourage volunteerism and donations to any nonprofit in your local area. Ask around for exotic volunteering aboard a luxury yacht, show car, backstage passes or other incredible opportunities as teases or prizes for volunteers.
#3 Special Heroes – In your dashboard click on “Special Heroes.” Qualify by heats. Create an interactive episode that turns a Special Hero into a Super Hero. Get paid by crew share to support your Hero if you are in the top 30.