Treasure Chest

Coupons and negotiation
We call our receipts "coupons."  Coupons are the same as a printed receipt, handstamp or wrist band.
You find the coupon on your phone then show your screen.
Show it to a cashier, a server, hostess or anyone to receive the item, service or admission to an event.
Anyone can verify anyone else's coupon on their phone. 
Negotiations use the bribe widget on your post.  The bribe widget lets you catfish as many loonies as possible under whatever conditions you want.
The bribe widget puts loonies into your account. Coupons take loonies out of circulation which benefits the nonprofits.

“Show me the Booty”… and get Treasure!

Better than clipping and showing coupons!

Find your treasure. Trade loonies for it. Show the “Coupon” on your phone to the cashier, person you are trading with or person collecting admission tickets. No scanner is needed! All the details are in your “Loony History”.