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Moderation Score – If in doubt, vote it out!

At the top of this example of a volunteer coupon you will see the "Moderation Score of 5."  Read only the positive scored green Sailor rated volunteer coupons. Sailor ratings could be safe for work, school or broadcast.  But just like riding the bus, you never know.  Avoid reading posts that are negative scored orange Landlubber rated posts as they could be lawful speech but are typically not suitable for broadcast and the high standards we seek.  Vote the moderation score below -10 and the post is deemed a pirate and thrown overboard. (the post disappears)
"The LA Dodgers are the greatest."  If you are an Atlanta Braves fan (as you should be) you can make that post disappear by down voting it to a score of -11. Posts are the same as chalk on a sidewalk or a sand castle. They are  temporary.
The post you made disappear is lawful free speech, it meets broadcast standards and you could say it at school or work, but you don't like it, and like kicking your brothers sand castle, down  it goes. Just vote it below -10.
This is no worse than it raining on a beautiful chalk sidewalk drawing that took days to complete.  You expect it.
If you want your post to appear in the number 1 spot you can downvote the other posts or up vote your post. We encourage voting for yourself! This uses more loonies and brings in more donations to the nonprofits.
If this was politics, this would be the same as cutting out the lobbyists, super pacs and advertisers and letting politicians vote for themselves.  We encourage this at the Pirate Dive Bar because Instead of spending millions on campaigns that only benefit themselves, money would go to help the community as it does at the Pirate Dive bar when somebody votes for themselves!  So vote for yourself all you want to win any contest!
If the LA Dodgers scoundrel decides to post again, this time he could vote for himself and he secures his post by giving it 50 up votes.  If you and the good people in the room give it 61 downvotes, that post disappears, as it should.
Besides playing moderation games, the moderation score is also used to separate broadcast standards from lawful free speech.  Broadcast standards are anything you can say in a court room, at your business, school or church and also contain no copyright infringements, tobacco, alcohol, profanity, legal conflicts and represent the high standards we seek for the broadcast of the TV series called "Special Heroes."
The green SAILOR rating designates the post is attempting to show that it complies with Broadcast standards. 
If somebody doesn't think your post meets broadcast standards,  because of salty language or mentioning the LA Dodgers, they should down vote it so that it becomes an orange LANDLUBBER rating or even disappears.
If in doubt, vote it out and send the score past -10.  No harm is done, the poster can create another post and put that up.
If you know your post is truly offensive when you create it, at least have the courtesy to give it a score of -5 or below when you post it.  A score that low gives people a heads up to avoid it.  If you choose to read a post with a -5 moderation score and you are offended, why did you choose a post with a score that low?  Never mind Karen, just down vote it some more and get rid of it.
Contests are where you can really have fun with the moderation score.  Lets say you are having an ugliest dog contest.  The winner is the highest moderation score.  Your boss submits a picture of their bulldog, you submit a picture of your boss.  Who will win?  The moderation score can operate the same as a silent auction that some nonprofits have.
You might have a really great prize such as a ride in your corvette stingray for your silent auction.  At a time that you choose, you pick the winner by the most votes.  Who knows, you might even rig the contest by down voting or upvoting the winner.  Yes, we encourage rigging any and all contests.  Jealous wives need to have their say about who is going to be picked to ride in your show car and want to rig that contest.  The ugliest dog could win and ride in the show car if the wife has her say.
BTW, you can see all the votes, who is voting and if they left comments for why they voted.  No secret ballots here.  The only way you can steal a vote is if it is not on the public record.  Why do you think that politicians always vote on the record and never by secret ballot like they force on us?  In all the years the USA has had politicians voting, thousands and thousands of times, not a single vote has ever been incorrect by even one vote!  (when they vote amongst themselves as they know how corrupt politicians are) You can only steal votes if nobody knows who they belong to and they are off the record.  Voting like that is even too despicable for pirates.

This is true community moderation as anyone can remove or vote on a post.

Please downvote and kick out all posts that want to sell you something using  your credit card instead of having loonies involved. These are 100% bogus posts! Please down vote them low enough so they disappear.  

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