Register Locations Register locations Are you over 18 years of age? * Yes No You must be over 18 years of age to volunteer, to operate any vessel in the parade, enter or win any contest or register on this website. Date No spaces or special characters. Letters and numbers are ok. Username, dog, boat or pirate name * Password * Can be very simple Email * You may use a bogus email. We don't verify it. But you will lose the ability to reset your password and get prize notifications. Phone Optional but required for boat captains and a great idea for prize notification Optional - Scurvy Dog Photo-(4 or 2 legs) your pirate ship, tattoo, captured mermaid or any fun photo. cropped-crossbones.jpg Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB What type of volunteer? * Unknown Telecommute Admin Rescue General Cast and crew Pirate character Boat crew OtherOther Retail business, vendor or sponsor Check your interests Who referred you? Airliners AllTeams alpha AmericanHumane atesty avelardo1378 BaiCarde BilalGardner Blackbeard bob BouncersBounty Buddy1 buddy123 Buddy2 buddy3 Buddy4 Buddy5 buddy6 buddy7 BuddyHouse Calypso Cam1 Camroy Captain Frank CaptainRon Cenaboyce chik Chuckhey cocobean0312 D22 DMonii Dog1 DreadedNeshia dthomas FirstRespondersChildrensFoundation ForsythCountyHumaneSociety GinaLynns GroomKingsUSA Heather Herm4 homestead Host Igualdoni Ithitman Jay Jess JJ Jollybonestherevenger Jorge24 Joshmall93 justinbieber KCBONES Killa KingCaptain Kroger1 Kroger2 Kroger3 Lucki Lynda Clifford Marcelo marvel2023 Matthew Mayo mer mer1 mer11 mer2 mer3 mer4 mer6 mer7 Mer9 MI mom mutiny NationalEMS newpirate Ngrnje6 PatrickP Pirate Pmoney404 Pumpkin PureIntentionsBre Rockerz Rudys Rudys1 Rudys2 Rudys3 rudys4 Rudys5 Rudysmaster Rudysmermaid Rudystest Sai33 Schmidty Scouterjim Scuba1 SeventhMoment Shark Skipper team10 team11 team12 team13 team14 team15 team16 team17 team18 team19 team20 team21 team23 team24 team25 team26 team27 team28 team29 team30 team31 team32 team33 team34 team35 Team4 team5 team6 team7 team8 team9 testboat1 testboat10 testboat11 testboat2 testboat3 testboat4 testboat5 testboat6 testboat7 testboat8 testboat9 tic1 tic10 tic2 tic3 tic4 tic5 tic6 tic7 tic8 tic9 Tosha TunneltoTowers Tyy Unicorn Vee wlambchop WoundedBlue wozzy Yhyhh This person earns a reward coin called "valor." Boat Parade Registration & Door Prize Raffle # A chicken lays an? * Type in the three letter word bot check You are not a bot! If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit