
This is still rough. Recycling information is going here.

This is exactly the same as a server in a restaurant. The server can do good deeds and have good cheer while the customer does not have to leave them a tip. If they do tip, the percentage is unknown.
For this reason we honor servers and waitstaff with the title of Mermaid. The petting zoo is the name of the place where they work. Mermaids lure sailors to their doom with loony coupons that trade loonies for discounts on food or create bar games and activities. When recycling loonies you should go to a petting zoo and feed them to the mermaids. Sharks are the name we give to anyone else trying to recycle loonies.
New loonies cost 25 cents each. Recycled loonies cost whatever price somebody wants to list them for maybe 10 or 15 cents each. New loonies have a donation receipt from PayPal for your taxes, recycled loonies are not a tax deduction. You get new loonies with a credit card you get recycled loonies when people click on your loony coupons or send you bribes.
Here is how recycling saves some volunteers money and gives folding cash or cash app cash to other volunteers.
Somebody scans a tramp stamp. The see some loony booty on a loony coupon. This makes them want to get loony. They can choose to get new loonies or recycled loonies. New loonies are easy, they go to their dashboard and click on “Get Loony.”
Recycled loonies are found with a Booty search to know who will surrender the booty. Look for a petting zoo or mermaids lair before taking your chances with a shark.
If you find a Mermaid, travel to the petting zoo and feed her cash to get loony with her. Mermaids are only at the petting zoo on certain days and times and you will see that information in your booty search. Mermaids may even have code words, hand signals and special greetings that make the other customers curious about what is going on with you two. Mermaids may even have a tramp stamp on the table or hand you one that you can scan every time you hear a bell ring or get another signal. Once you get loony with the mermaid you will be loony enough to get your hands on the loony coupons you see in her treasure chest.
Recycled loonies are a cash transaction with the Mermaid that is not part of the petting zoo bill or part of the tip. You only get the food special listed on the loony coupon if you can show the receipt for it on your phone before you order it. For this reason you should recycle loonies as soon as you arrive at the petting zoo.

Lets say you see a loony coupon catfishing a 100 loonies for a bicycle. You could donate $25 to get new loonies or if somebody is recycling loonies for 10 cents each instead of the 25 cents PayPal has, you can save $15 by recycling loonies for $10.

If you are a true leader your goal is to create good deeds and good cheer with one or two of your citizens that live close to you. You recycle loonies to get the funding for those good deeds and good cheer.

All the transfers and comments are public, but are they false flag catfishing schemes? If you are laughing after scanning a tramp stamp you might not mind being catfished to support a great cause like “Special Heroes.”
There are two types of loonies. New loonies and recycled loonies. New loonies are only created by PayPal. You get 1 loony for every 25 cents you donate. You also get a donation receipt for your taxes from PayPal. You can use public ledgers to follow any loony back to when it was first created by PayPal. You will see the PayPal donation ledger and the day, time, and username for the loonies that were created.
Recycled loonies are transferred from volunteer to volunteer and can be traded for anything including cash. A full explanation of how to get cash from recycling to support your good deeds and good cheer is found on your dashboard under recycle. Servers and restaurant owners should definitely

Recycling loonies is way you can get paid immediately with folding cash from the person standing next to you or over the internet with a cash app. You will need one loony coupon for booty and one loony coupon for recycling. We call just about everything at the Pirate Dive bar booty. We call the good deeds and good cheer that helps other people “booty.” A loony coupon describes your booty, has a value in loonies and a transfer button. When you press the transfer button a receipt shows on your phone and an entry is placed on the public ledger of the person that created the loony coupon and on the public ledger of the person who transferred the loonies. Go to the Booty page and click on examples to see what loony coupons are and how they work.

Loonies are only created by PayPal donations. Each time they are recycled they shrink by 15%. You can use them about 5 or 6 times before they get too small to use. Then you will have to volunteer or donate to get loony. They cost 25 cents each when they are new. If you recycle them for 10 cents each, a volunteer can save 15 cents a loony and you get cash. Lets say you have washed cars all day for 50 loonies a car. You now have over 1,000 loonies. Somebody wants to be an agent. They need 120 loonies. If you sell them 200 loonies for $10 they save $20 and you have $10 cash.

Lets look at the whole process.
You display a QR code. It takes people to your country where they see all the loony coupons you have made.
You create a loony coupon. “50 loonies to get your car washed”. You display your QR coupon.
A Nonprofit gets a donation through PayPal every time you wash a car. You don’t handle cash, credit cards or paperwork to fund raise for the Atlanta Volunteers or other 501 c 3 nonprofits we list on our site.
The donor gets a tax receipt and enough loonies to get their car washed and maybe pay for a few more loony coupons. and the 100 loonies.
You got 50 loonies each time you washed a car.

From their good deeds and good cheer a person has lots of loonies and recycles 100 for $10.
A person getting their car washed saves $15 with recycled loonies and gets a clean car.
The person who washes the car has 85 loonies they can recycle (loonies shrink by 15%)
How much value did that $25 donation create?
A tax deduction, $30 to the nonprofit, $10 recycling tip, a $15 savings, a clean car and 85 loonies that can be recycled and lots of good deeds and good cheer!

Your loony booty is the most valuable thing there isTo get an idea of the many different types of loony coupons, click on the top menu called booty. Then click on the examples button. You can create anything you want with a loony coupon. You can list things for free or exchange loonies for them.
Loony coupons list donated labor, household items, adventure, sports, music and any type of good deed or good cheer.
The purpose of a loony coupon is to get people to donate through
When you exchange loonies you support the nonprofits on this site.
Most of the time the only nonprofit is the Atlanta Volunteers on this site. During events like our boat parade other nonprofits join us. All nonprofits must have a PayPal giving account for 501 c 3 nonprofits.
The idea behind loony coupons is to inspire donat
Some loony
Loonies are volunteer reward coin.
Go to the top right of your screen under your account icon hover over balance and you will see it. Click on loony history and you will see your last 100 transactions.
If you click on your dashboard you will see the word recycle. There you will see a full explanation of the following.
There are five ways to increase the amount of loonies you have. Donate, recycle, loony coupon, booty tax and bribes. There are four ways to decrease the amount of loonies. Recycle, Loony coupon and bribe.
There are 8 ways to be get cash. Be paid as cast or crew for the TV series Special Heroes. Be paid as the heroe. Be paid as agent for finding cast or crew. Be paid as an agent for finding the Hero. Winning a door prize. Recycling. Being a shareholder.
You can get discounts at restuarants and retailers by using loonies.
, scroll to see balance and then loony history,.

s you give as a tip for good deeds and good cheer. Good deeds and good cheer are called Booty. Loony coupons show people your loony booty. If they like your loony booty they register from the register button on your country. This encoded register button makes you their Bootymaster and they become your citizen. This is tramp stamp referral marketing.
A receipt shows on their phone screen. The transfer is recorded in three places. The first is on your dashboard on a page called receipts. The second is on your public ledger and the third is on their public ledger.
Advertising is called catfishing. You catfish loonies to make your loony booty bigger. The biggest booty wins! Public ledgers let you spy on anybodies loony booty. You can give them loony bribes to create catfishing bait with false flag plays and mutiny. You reward or punish volunteers and citizens with booty or booby prizes.
Your goal is to get as loony as you can when somebody scans your tramp stamp. When somebody scans your tramp stamp they go to your country and see your loony booty. If it is their first time they might register and become your citizen. Go to your dashboard to see your citizens. When you click on a citizen you go to their country. While visiting their country you can volunteer for a quest or raid, spy, bribe, friend or chat with them as you look at their loony booty.
Loonies have zero value, they are just game points. Each time they are recycled to another volunteer they shrink by 15%. After recycling them about 6 times you will need more. You can recycle loonies for cash, it is as easy as saying “hey I will sell you a hundred loonies for 10 or 15 cents each instead of the 25 cents a loony that PayPal charges. There is a long winded explanation in your dashboard under recycle and an explanation of party cash is something everyone should read. Servers and restaurant owners should read recycle as they can benefit the most from the Pirate Dive Bar.
You can gamble loonies away or be tricked out of them and you have not lost anything but to volunteers they are more valuable than cash. You can bet, bribe, whoremonger, steal or gamble on the whoremongering. Loonies are worthless game points so catfishing for anything is legal. Here is a question for you. If everybody is trying to catfish loonies, are you loony enough to take the bait? Will you get your hands on their treasure chest and loony booty or be caught hook, line and sinker? Look at a persons public ledger to see if you can trust them, you still won’t know. We only have one rule at the pirate dive bar “You Lose.” You always transfer loonies first as this is the fastest way to lose them and play by our only rule. If you are laughing pretty hard after seeing somebodies loony booty you might not mind being catfished to support a great cause like “Special Heroes.”
We would really like you to make a youtube video of your good deeds and good cheer to inspire others. If you post the link to your country or your QR code you can grow the population of your country. If you are an actual leader for your citizens you can organize one or two volunteers at the place where you live, work or go to school and keep your promise to help other people. You made this promise when you registered, you must have seen it while reading carefully over everything you signed.
Youtube, facebook, Instagram, tik tok and many other sites would not be multi billion dollar companies if they did not pay creators. The Atlanta Volunteers is a nonprofit that wants to pay creators to support volunteering that helps other people. It isn’t just creating video on youtube that has value and can earn you cash, volunteering for good deeds and good cheer can also earn you money. If we work together to make you successful on youtube with the immediate cash of recycled loonies to fund your video of good deeds and good cheer you will help us to reach more volunteers. Here are a few different ways to get funding for your good deeds and good cheer.
Look at the top right of your screen. You will see your loony history and your loony booty. To make volunteering fun and a game with tramp stamps, you can ask your citizens to surrender the booty, 10% of their loony booty to be specific.

Click on the “Govern your citizens” button to see your citizens. Friend and message them to see If they will or will not surrender the booty for the fund raising games you are playing such as the Karaoke Challenge Game. You can give them booty or booby prizes. On each country page of each citizen you can spy on their loony booty, bribe them, create quests, raids, adventure, friend them and send them messages.
Our first method to earn some great cash is to pay you as a creator, cast or crew of a TV series called “Special Heroes.” You are paid in crew shares. Crew shares are a profit percentage that are paid after the episode airs. Click on “Special Heroes” to learn about this community owned, crowd sourced interactive TV series and how you are paid.
The button that can earn you the most in funding is “Agent.” It costs 120 loonies to become an agent. This means it is free if you volunteer or donate household items or a $30 deductible donation through PayPal to get 120 loonies. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate.

You should become an Agent as fast as possible. If one of your citizens is paid as cast or crew for the TV series “Special Heroes” you get paid 10% on the day they are paid. If you find the hero of an episode you get 1% of the gross of that episode. Citizens that sign up before you become an agent are not eligible, so it is critical you become an agent as fast as possible.

The first 1,000 people to become agents, will get lifetime status as agents, after that it is $30 every year. We will stop agent certifications when we have all the cast and crew we need. It could be before we reach 1,000 agents. We have 30 episodes each year, and each episode has a different cast and crew. Just one cast or crew member could be hundreds or thousands of dollars and all somebody has to do is scan your QR code then register for you to be paid a 10% commission. Being an agent pays the most.
There are other methods to earn cash listed in your dashboard when you click on recycle.

You should research our nonprofit by going to the adventure page and then clicking on about. We have over 10,000 members listed and over 20 years of events with pictures, dates and descriptions. Please go back before the pandemic to see our best events. Things have changed since the pandemic.
Thanks for sticking around. My name is Alan Kindree. I am the CEO of the Atlanta Volunteers. Please like and subscribe and if you live around the Atlanta area watch for the official opening of our clubhouse on lake Lanier spring of 2025.

Long winded