World record attempt

Ray's Lake Party
Position calculator
Squad and Group Leader Instructions




You will get 20 loonies for registering.
1,106 paddled boats or 1,181 motorized boats are needed to break the record.
Vessels must travel for 1 mile, be registered with the parade, operated by a person 18 or older, display parade insignia and provide witnessed photographic proof.
This software is designed to provide indisputable proof of breaking the world record. Just like a parade on land where different groups travel behind each other, boats will be in groups of 30 traveling in assigned postitions. This is not a poker run where boats can randomly travel from point to point at any speed.
Each boat is assigned to a group, then a squad in the group, then a position in the squad. They are given a registration number, roll call time, starting time, squad leader and group leader.   Interactive broadcasting and live-stream software lets anyone with a cell phone veiw, verify and use points to interact with the boats. When viewers trade fund raising points (called “Loonies”) with any boat in the parade, they create verifiable proof on a public ledger. Loonies are traded for skits, sea shanties, prizes, contests and pirate themed parade comedy.
Car pooling software is one of the features that make this event possible. This organizes staging areas for people and boats so that everybody does not arrive or leave at once.
3 squads of 10 make up one Group of 30. Boats can change their formation from Group formation which is 3 squads wide, to squad formation which is 3 squads following earch other, to single file and back again. A group formation is shown to the left. A squad formation has the center squad leading, the port squad in the middle and the starboard squad last. Squads are numbered like a phone pad (zero at top) so they can go sequentially into single file then back into squads.
Group leaders (the center top boat is the group leader) travel 6 minutes apart. This is enough time for boats to travel 12 seconds apart when in single file then reform into squads or groups. Passing by judges, being photographed, contests and performing skits are reasons for having group, squad or single file formations.
The group leader signals the group, squad or single file formations by blowing a whistle then signaling with a paddle, pole or arms. Holding the paddle vertical is single file. Holding the paddle horizontal is group. Holding the paddle 45 degrees is squad. All paddlers in the group show they understand by holding paddles or arms in the same manner. When everybody is repeating the signal the group leader gives a second whistle blast to change the formation and it looks synchronized like a marching band. Once learned, the signals would be given very subtly. A few other synchronized formations are possible. This creates a rehearsed effect for drone photography by simply having each boat in a group do a zig zag, circle, splash or some other simple move. When all boats in the parade do the same move at the same time the effect is amazing and is similar to a marching band on a playing field.
This is not a race or a poker run, it is a walking speed parade that can stop or start when needed.
We need about 40 groups to break the worlds record. Every 6 minutes a group of 30 will cross the starting line. This means 300 boats an hour or 4 hours to break the record.
Looking at this software you see that you get a roll call and start time. At roll call be in your group, squad or position to take a photo or have somebody else take it with any sign that says “First Responders Boat Parade”. Another group, squad or position photo will be taken when you exit. Use your dashboard to verify you are in roll call and completion photos. This is vital to qualify for the worlds record!
Car pooling software is found in your dashboard along with many other software features. Squad and group leaders along with volunteers will assist you with car pooling and instructions for boat drop off or launch. Some larger row boats must be launched, some boats are small inflatables you can carry with you, some row boats, canoes and kayaks will paddle to the location and some paddle boards and other boats can be loaded onto trailers at the car pool parking area. This event will reach maximum vehicle capacity and close down if car pooling is not used.