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There is no obligation for anyone to get a ticket and stand in line but they price goes up for each new person that stands in line. When 10 investment teams say they are ready we start calling numbers. When your number is called you can; be qualified as an investment team, lose your place in line or scalp your ticket to someone else. When 10 teams qualify for the first round, round 2 with higher studio and initiation fees start. After that round three is buy auction for 10 teams starting at 60k. With 30 teams the competition begins and teams can be knocked out of competition and replaced if they miss deadlines in the “Heats”.
What is your strategy for this multi-level speculation and scalping strategy? By percentage, micro investors who group together can get in first and should do quite well.
Current amount of loonies to stand in line or scalp your tickets 1
Next Step
Wait in line or buy tickets to scalp.  Investors are taken by "next in line" so you can use "edit" to scalp your place in line.
Status Phase 1
Working towards getting 10 Executive Producers.
What type of investor
Investors are chosen according to the time they showed an interest.