… a comedy lab and production studio where Patriotic Pirates use Joy & faith to
turn heroes into superheroes!
Adventure With Purpose
Pirates delivered many tons of ammunition, food and supplies to help the American War for independence succeed. Out gunned and out numbered these patriots were known for their joyous pirate jigs and spirited songs even while in the worst of conditions such as eating rotten food in the dark to avoid seeing what else was eating it.
We celebrate these swash buckling pirates with Flash Mob Karaoke, Sea Shanty Karaoke & the Karaoke Challenge Game (found in our play menu!)
Of the 55,000 sailors that became privateers (pirates) in the American civil war, George Washington had over 2,000 under his command. George said “Of the lowly tars, there is no more disorderly set.” (As close to cussing as you can get in those days!)
To become privateers, Patriotic Pirates swore an oath to God and country to help others and then signed it with an “x” so they could be identified. We invite you to repeat this oath and sign with an “X” so we can trust you as a “Patriotic Pirate.”
We invite you to join our gang of scurvy dogs and lowly tars known as “Patriotic Pirates” to help win independence for a forgotten few in our country. The mission of Patriotic Pirates (and the Atlanta Volunteers) is to help adults with developmental disabilities win their independence.
Join us for a High Seas “Adventure With Purpose” at the Pirate Dive Bar.
Of the 55,000 sailors that became privateers (pirates) in the American civil war, George Washington had over 2,000 under his command. George said “Of the lowly tars, there is no more disorderly set.” (As close to cussing as you can get in those days!)
To become privateers, Patriotic Pirates swore an oath to God and country to help others and then signed it with an “x” so they could be identified. We invite you to repeat this oath and sign with an “X” so we can trust you as a “Patriotic Pirate.”
The TV series shows 30 examples of transition solutions while marketing Hero businesses.
- A fun to watch docu-series showing 30 different transition, employment, quality of life and housing solutions – pilot episode completed
- An employment concept called an “Ability Team” – tested with a few vocations, needs further development see theabilityrevolution.com
- Land that is rezoned so you can live and work at the same location. This is a solution to transportation difficulties and being away from care supports. We did this for our property can we change legislation for eminent domain, so others can do it too? – accommplished, a footer for a multi-use building has been poured
- Interactive commercials on the docu-series to advertise the products and services for the Hero businesses –in beta testing
- Several world wide firsts for Heroes – state certification in development
- The same nonprofit / for profit business model as the America Medical Association, NFL, Olympics and others –accomplished
- A wide range of fund raising activities and software that is free for other nonprofits to use – beta testing
- Several inventions for manufacturing by Heroes have had working proto types completed – needs the finished versions
- Software lets anyone develop episodes, transition solutions, advertising and lots of fun for their Heroes – beta testing
“Opposite Day” & “Catfishing Pirates” describes our style of fun and how to spread joy to others!
There is an island in Georgia called “Blackbeards Island.” This is named for Edward Teach a pirate known as Blackbeard. He was a famous Patriotic Pirate who disrupted the British Navy during decades of colonial abuse. The British outlawed everything found in the first amendment and these fundamental freedoms were worth fighting for with joy in your heart.
Tropical Adventure Competition
This TV series is about family and friends that turn their special needs Hero into a Super Hero!
30 Heroes, 30 episodes, 5 playoff episodes & 1 Grand Prize Winner.
During each episode a quality of life or transition challenge is conquered by the team along with short comedy bumpers from other heroes that are included between scenes. The purpose is to inspire viewers to create transition solutions for their loved ones.
Each team competes in a nonprofit and a for profit competition that creates a business, employment or a quality of life improvement for the Hero and this turns them into a Super Hero! Several world wide firsts for people with disabilities will be featured in this series. Our interactive commercials and collaborative episodes are an amazing feature that is a paradigm shift for media production.
In the last few minutes of each episode the team celebrates their efforts during a “Tropical Adventure Competition”. This is where they compete to have the most fun & adventure possible. (Best respite care ever!)
In the top menu “Work” produces your episode, “Play” rehearses, performs and catfishes for donations, “Loony” describes our financial plan, donations and prizes.
Our Comedy bumpers are short segments before cutting to or from commercials. Comedy Bumpers are 5 to 10 seconds long and show how people from around the world have turned their Hero into a Super hero! To understand the premise of comedy bumpers, a remake of this true event is something you may have seen as a commercial recently; a person with a disability makes an incredible shot and the other players and crowd goes wild in celebration.
in the “Play” section you will find 3 categories where you can create, rehearse and produce comedy bumpers. The categories are art, sports and labor. The “Karaoke Challenge Game” is the title of the art category and where most comedy bumpers are created (all types of art but mostly karaoke, campfire skits or performance art). The “Drunken Sailor” is the title of the Sports Category (Any game, sport or challenge that a Drunken Sailor thinks he can win in the pirate dive bar. He later gets knocked out drunk and wakes up as crew on a pirate ship). “Feeding mermaids at the petting zoo” is the title of the labor section (The mermaid might be a 350lb biker with a wash mit in his hands and he is petting your car because you fed him with donation coins called “loonies”).
A giant floating USA flag that flips over to display the thin blue line flag is our competition symbol and is found in two of the eight types of Karaoke Challenge Games. (See pictures on our “About” page.)
The Pirate Dive Bar is the production studio for The Tropical Adventure Competition where we focus on improving the quality of life for moderately to severely developmentally disabled adults.
The Atlanta Volunteers present…