
Object of the Game – Convince people that loonies have value

Loony is short for a pirate coin called a Dubloon. Loonies have no real value. The activities on this site will convince people to speculate on the value of a loony when they buy, sell, trade or gamble with them.
Look at the top right of your screen, under your profile is a dropdown menu. Go to loonies and then to the left and read your loonies history. You will see that you can send messages and booty at the same time. You can view anybodies booty. This will help you to find Catfish that you can catch.
Pirates are known for creating secret mutinous gangs to steal your booty. We call that “Catfishing”. There is so much Catfishing going on at the Pirate Dive Bar that we have tournaments for Catfishers and Catfish and they both get weighed.
The Karaoke Challenge Game is simple catfishing. You might offer 20 loonies if somebody sings a duet with you. You might pay somebody 30 loonies to dance while you sing. You can even skip using loonies and organize an air band to back you up while you sing.
Advanced Catfishing is found and explained in the Comedy Lab.
We gave you loonies when you registered, Kroger gives you more, you can win loonies and you can donate with the “Bootymaster” to a nonprofit to get more. For each 25 cents you donate to a nonprofit you get one loony. So think of this website being run on quarters just like an old arcade game.
You also get a donation reciept emailed and stored for your taxes for the amount of your donations. Playing this game gives you a deduction for your taxes! The Atlanta Volunteers is a nonprofit and we let other nonprofits borrow this website without charging them fees or handling their money. Donations for loonies go straight into their Paypal Account for a day or two while they are using this website. The Atlanta Volunteers is the default nonprofit while other nonprofits take turns.
The Atlanta Volunteers has no paid staff and 100% transparency. Transparency is found on this website. Read about us.
A loony is the opposite of bitcoin. A loony is a coin for honest virtuous people with nothing to hide. It is on a true public ledger and not one an encrypted ledger like Bitcoin. A loony represents an altruistic donation to a nonprofit to benefit others. You are given a tax receipt for the IRS. A Bitcoin is designed to hide dark money from being taxed. Bitcoin is often involved in the absolute worst crime on the planet which is why they encrypt it.
The value of a loony and bitcoin is the same, speculative and fiat. We hope to eventually raise the value of a loony based on nothing but a whim, just like bitcoin. You should get them now while they are cheap!
Loony Tutorials You should also visit the “Intro” page for a description of how to catfish.