Learn ‘Ya More Better

  1. Create or choose a game card and get a code for it
  2. Pass the code around to friends or post it publicly
  3. Gradually increase the options for the game card as you learn the app

Create a new game at “Epiphany” Find a game card at “Adventure”

Typical Game

A small group of Karaoke regulars can use the app to arrange duets and air bands on the spot or days before. The app lets you see who else is playing in the bar or watching online. Anyone live or online can create or select prizes for bets, dares and bribes to get people to sing, dance or perform. Online or live players can send you points to redeem for prizes. The app can use any streaming platform to create an online audience.

Other games found in the comedy lab are similar but have different themes.

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Play – Pirates lie, cheat and steal to catfish your booty. “Loony” is short for a pirate coin called a “Dubloon”. Your booty is measured in loonies. Pirates get loony for big booty. The biggest loony booty wins at Catfishing Tournaments. There are different types of catfishing tournaments but they all use loonies and not real dollars. You donate real dollars to the featured nonprofit and are given loonies to use as game tokens in tournaments. You redeem loonies for prizes. Some tournaments are simple such as silent auctions, classified ads or betting. Some tournaments are performances such as the “Karaoke Challenge Game”, where you might plan and practice with friends for months everytime you go to your favorite sports bar for Karaoke night. Some tournaments are traditional internet catfishing such as “Feeding the Mermaids at the Petting Zoo”. Tournaments can be held at backyard pool parties, boat raft ups and can include catfish watching online that you fish for and can catch and haul in and take to the tournament weigh scales. Tournaments are designed to create short comedy bumpers for the docu-series called the “Tropical Adventure Competition”. This series documents the fun a team can have improving the quality of life for a person with a disability.
Look at the top right of your screen. You will see your account and a drop down menu. The first item is “Loonies”. Scroll to the left to “Loonies History”. Scroll all the way down. You will see a messages and points menu. You can see the size of any Pirates booty and what messages they sent. Everything is 100% transparent in this game, that even means the tax records of the nonprofit “Atlanta Volunteers” and how we are 100% volunteer with no paid officers or staff.
The loonies that you win or lose support your team. Your team is lead by disabled Hero. Your mission at the Pirate Dive Bar is to create comedy bumpers for your own streaming episode that turns your Hero into a Superhero.