Business Deck

Large investors can invest in the production company DOLPHIN RODEO INC. or small investors in one of the 30 for profit production teams. You can also donate to the ATLANTA VOLUNTEERS or anyone of the nonprofits listed on the home page. This section is the “for profit” information.
Think ahead to broadcast year 3 when the TV series called “Special Heroes” becomes a household word. The “Pirate Dive Bar” in year four becomes a platform to launch other interactive media, themed restaurants, products, and travel. In the meantime, as an example for small investors during the 3 year launch, each of the 30 executive producers gets 1/3 of the gross broadcast revenue for that episode and free air time for their commercials that are shared on all the episodes. The catch is that the 2/3 gross going to the coach of each episode is free and clear. Can you run your episode on 1/3 gross and still make it profitable?
The cost to be an executive producer (during start up) for one episode is less than the cost of most luxury vehicles.
30 investor teams are part of this Lakeside Production Studio and TV series. One investor team per episode. The initiation pays the bareboat cost or your vessel, the dues pay for studio use and administration costs. Production costs, efficiency and quality are now on a level playing field and are what teams are competing on to be in the playoffs or win the grand prize.
There is a graduated fee structure that is lowest during the start up year. The First 10 teams have lower fees, $10K initiation, $25,000 dues. Next 10 teams are $25K initiation & $30,000 dues. Last 10 teams are by auction over $60K. Part of the competition is to see how efficiently you can produce your episode and on as small of a budget as possible so your Hero benefits.
Each investment team chooses a (family member) coach for the Hero, and they receive 66% of gross broadcast revenue to decide how to manage their Hero. Each investment team gets 33% gross of the broadcast revenue and carries all the taxes and expenses for their episode. Each team must be profitable by year 3 or be replaced.
Studio investment perks include use of lakeside facilities, scuba, sailing, video production, client meeting place and tax write offs. Essential team members may appear on the sailboat and episode during the remote week of production in the tropics.
This investment is designed so that a group of small or medium investors can pool their talents and money together to produce one episode.
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