
“Loony” is short for a pirate coin called a Dubloon.

A hilarious competition and interactive TV series to improve the lives of Heroes with special needs and powers.
Loonies are the exact opposite of bitcoin. You can donate to a nonprofit to get loony and a tax receipt. The IRS acknowledges your tax exempt purchase. You can buy or sell loonies with cash from anyone if they have them. You can trade, gift or gamble them for goods, services, challenges, prizes, likes, bets and dares. They can’t be counterfeited or miscounted. Their pedigree starts on the IRS public ledger for nonprofits and you can see each and every transaction and who has them from then on. Loonies are a virtuous currency for law abiding citizens full of altruistic pirate mischief while having fun supporting great causes.

One button does everything!

Select “Blackbeard” for a bribe. A transfer widget appears. Put 1 in the amount and say “Yo Ho” in the message then “Transfer”
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Click on this “Epiphany” to see their booty, transfer widget, livestream link, copyright, shareable link, & more


Hi Loony 1
Choose “Very Quick” to make your own test, then use “Edit” to change something as you will use “edit” buttons a lot on this site.
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You must be logged in to view this form.
Select “Blackbeard” then look. You will see your loony transfer and your message. You will also see that Blackbeard only got about .85 or something else and not one loony. “Booty Rats” will eat your booty when you transfer. When you transfer loonies there are no refunds, do overs or mistakes. “You lose” is the only rule we have. You can ignore or break that rule and make up other rules on the spot which can also be ignored and broken.
Free automatic copyright and shareable link
The free automatic copyright is a genuine first step in the copyright process. We use it here for brainstorming and for crew positions. The shareable link lets you paste your “Epiphany” to messages or social media. In the following form select “Quick”
Booty Rats will eventually eat most of the loony booty on the ship and you will need to create more. Loonies can only be created when somebody makes a tax deductible donation to our nonprofit dba as the Atlanta Volunteers. Similar to an arcade, for every 25 cents you donate, you get one loony. The Bootymaster tells Mermaids, Galley wenches and Cabin boys to catch fat booty rats. This makes the Bootymaster loony. If you see her in person working as a bartender or server, she can sell her loony booty for to you for cash. She uses the transfer widget above. Bootymasters can make whatever cash deal they want. 1 or 2 for a dollar or 7 or 8. They are not cheating the Atlanta Volunteers out of donations, they are turning the Booty Rats into a marketing department. Eventually those yummy re-cycled green carbon credit loonies will be all eaten up and more donations to the nonprofit will have to be made to get more loony. When the Mermaids and Galley Wenches feast on Booty Rats, this creates a feeding frenzy. Other Mermaids, Galley Wenches and Cabin boys will start catching Booty Rats in other locations to be part of the frenzy. Mermaids attract Pirates with their karaoke siren songs, Galley wenches with their grub and grog and Cabin boys, well we don’t talk about them liars, the cabin boys.
Sending loonies is bribing, receiving loonies is catfishing.


If everybody knows you are lying, can you still catfish them?

The biggest booty wins! (just like dating sites). Lie, cheat, steal, whoremonger, gamble, beg, bet, bribe judges and gamble on the whoremongering to get big booty. Use honesty sparingly and only to chum the water.
There are unlimited ways and places to catfish live and online for big booty at the Pirate Dive Bar. There is even a catfishing tournament. The biggest catfish are the online players sitting in moms basement in their underwear drinking beer and using our livestreaming features to check out what is going on at their local bar. Anybody can use their cell phones to easily livestream their catfishing expeditions from their local bar. They can use our easy livestream feature or use any livestream app they want.
People at home watching you drink, play darts, pool, the Karaoke Challenge Game, the Drunken Sailor or Feeding Mermaids at the Petting Zoo can instantly make you loony by using their phone or laptop and our transfer widget.
Since you can look at everybody’s booty history and see everything they do, you will know how to catfish them and how to strategically create just the right bait to land the big ones for the Catfishing Tournament. Tournaments are found in the “Play” menu.
Here is a beginner style of catfishing. In the play menu you will learn how to create, rehearse and perform advanced skits for catfishing. These skits can be performed live, online or in the TV series to catch the really big Catfish. The work menu contains tools to create the 30 episodes for the TV series. This TV series includes “Comedy Bumpers” made from short clips of your skits.
Catfishing for loonies! These are “test” posts

Catfishing Tournament or buried treasure?

This is the best test ever!

A really big fish

A really big fishScuba1

You have to be this 1 loony to be hooked for this prize


Hat for sale

Large hat

Large hatDreadedNeshia

You have to be this 10 loony to be hooked for this prize


Can’t finish my Stromboli



You have to be this 10 loony to be hooked for this prize

Create some catfishing bait to test this widget.

Donate or Catfish

Your best lure
Name it like a bill in congress, the opposite of what it really is

Maximum file size: 516MB

Photo shop it like a dating site pro

Maximum file size: 516MB

Surprise Picture
Say something not to lose this fish!
Todays price for bait or fool them with a great price for goods and services you will actually deliver
Black = Keeping it Real

Red= Senator Warren

Look at the top right of your screen. You see an icon for your account. Pull the menu down to the first item called “Loonies”. Go to the left and click on the item called “Loonies History”. Go to the bottom of that screen and you will see the start of your “Booty History”. We gave you 10 loonies for registering.
You have a small house or dashboard icon at the top left of your screen. This takes you inside or outside your account.
Loonies have no redeemable value just like the Pirates using them. They are the same as getting tickets at an arcade that you redeem for prizes.
You can catfish (earn) loonies by winning darts, billiards, karaoke challenges, playing poker, drunken sailor games, going on pirate raids and posting real or fake products and services for sale.
You can earn real cash and tropical adventure if you learn how to be a part of the TV series.

Click on these links to take a short tour of the Dolphin Rodeo production studio.

Score Card * Door Prizes * Kroger * Paypal Ledger * Patriotic Pirates * Pirate School * Catfishing School * Secret Hideout * About