This is written in a way to inspire you to develop interesting content, and not as a precise definition. Only read the safe green Sailor posts, and never any of the good stuff found in amber Landlubber posts.
Sailor, Landlubber and Pirate have more than just one meaning!
Most of the information below is a repeat from above, just to give a you different perspective. Feel free to skip this and go to the "Topics" menu below.
All posts are meant to be as temporary as chalk drawings on a sidewalk or sand castles on the beach. There is no harm done by having any post removed for any reason.
Lets look at how throwing posts overboard can be fun!
First of all, votes cost 1 loony each. Voting up or down raises money for nonprofits as loonies can only be created when somebody donates to a nonprofit we list. We encourage voting wars! They are a great way to test out your psyops and false flag propaganda skills as a double or triple agent and to sow the seeds of mutiny against the flood of AI propaganda seen on the horizon.
Something truly offensive!
As an example of something truly offensive, somebody says "The LA Dodgers are the greatest baseball team ever!" This post is clearly offensive and should be given a -11 so it disappears.
If the LA Dodgers scoundrel decides to post again, this time he could buy votes for himself and secure his post by giving it 50 up votes. If you and the good people in the room give it 61 downvotes, that post reaches as score of -11 and it disappears, as it should.
Turf Wars
Besides playing moderation turf war games, a positive moderation score is also used to separate broadcast standards and legal broadcasting content from lawful free speech. Broadcast standards are anything you can say in a court room, at your business, school or church and also contain no copyright infringements, safety issues, tobacco, alcohol, profanity, legal conflicts and represent the high standards we seek.
If you know your post is truly offensive, such as almost containing nudity, or has a poop map of L.A., at least have the courtesy to give it a score of -5 or below when you post it. A score that low gives people a heads up to avoid it and also changes its warning color from green to amber. If you choose to read a post with a -5 moderation score and you are offended, why did you choose a post with a score that low? Never mind Karen, just down vote it some more and throw it overboard.
Your boss wins the ugliest dog contest!
Contests are where you can really have fun with the moderation score. Lets say you are having an ugliest dog contest. The winner is the highest green moderation score. Your boss submits a picture of their bulldog, you submit a picture of your boss. Who will win?
The moderation score works the same as a silent auction
You might have a really great prize such as a ride in your corvette stingray for your silent auction. At a time that you choose, you pick the winner by the most votes. Who knows, you might even rig the contest by down voting or upvoting the winner. Yes, we encourage rigging contests as each vote you give will raise more money for nonprofits. Jealous wives need to have their say about who is going to be picked to ride in the show car. The ugliest dog could win and ride in the show car if the wife has her say.
Voting on the record
BTW, you can see all the votes, who is voting and if they left comments for why they voted. No secret ballots here. The only way you can steal a vote is if it is not on the public record. All votes here are on the public record in the same way that politicians vote. Why do you think that politicians always vote on the record and never by secret ballot? In all the years the USA has had politicians voting thousands and thousands of times, not a single vote has ever been incorrect by even one vote when put on the public record! (when they vote amongst themselves these scoundrels know how corrupt politicians are) You can only steal votes if nobody knows who the votes belong to and they are off the record. Voting like that is even too despicable for pirates and this is why when you buy votes here you are a HERO for supporting nonprofits.
Please down vote all dispicable posts low enough so they disappear like pirates thrown overboard from a ship.
Before you read a post look for a green tag that says "SAILOR". This indicates it could be safe for work, school or even for broadcast TV. Green SAILOR posts are like riding the subway. You think it is safe but you do not know.
Landlubber moderation scores are orange. Please score anything truly disgusting below -5. If you don't know if it is lawful speech, don't worry just delete it or score it lower. Landlubber posts contain everything that isn't safe for broadcast.
Stars cost 1 loony each. If you think your post isn't valuable enough to support a nonprofit by investing in a few stars we will probably not care either. If you think it is valuable, give it full stars. If somebody down votes the stars it will cost them 3 loonies for each down vote. Your upvotes are 1 loony to each. This traditional attacker / defender ratio works great for false flag statements by an agent provocateur designed to rally your base. Create another login, and point the scoundrel out to your gang! Time for a booty battle to support your favorite nonprofit!
1 Rule - You lose!
Lose loonies by bribing a Bootymaster
Biggest Booty Wins
"Get Loony" by catfishing bribes.
Mutiny Against Crime
Do a booty search and look at anybodies booty and their booty history. Does it include false flag plays, agent provocateurs, stolen identity and voting for themselves? You won't know, so just send them a bribe and expect to lose it.
Booty & Booby Prizes
When you get loony and bribe a bootymaster, you won't know if you will get booby prize or a volunteer coupon for a booty prize.
Pirates are walked off the plank, eaten by sharks and then motorboated when they get booby prizes.
Mermaids are typically servers in restuarants or sports bars that are known for their treasure chest and big booty.
Volunteer coupons let you "Get loony with the treasure chest and big booty of a mermaid. "Booty Prizes" will tell you which businesses have mermaids, what their treasure chest looks like and how to "Get Loony" with them.
Catfishing Tournament
Skilled catfishers compete by only using bait and bribes they have created. During "Open Season" catfishing you can steal and use anybodies bait and bribes.
If everybody is catfishing, and you know you are going to lose, will you still swallow the bait?
Improving the quality of life for people born with the special powers of Down syndrome, spina bifida or those that are born with other super powers is the purpose and mission of the Alanta Volunteers and the website.
Sharing fun is an easy, immediate way to improve somebodies quality of life. The free use of comedy and good cheer is given a high priority with this website that has a playful pirate theme and lots of Dad jokes.
Three features and three marketing plans foster solutions for a concrete plan of action for solving one of societies greatest challenges, quality of life and meaningful employment for special populations.
The first feature is a volunteer coupon. A volunteer coupon connects businesses and individuals to donors or volunteers for discounts, upgrades and specials. “Donate $1 get $2 off” or Donate $1 upgrade to super is a typical use of a volunteer coupon. The volunteer coupon is hands free for a server and needs no software or hardware for the business. It uses nonprofit reward points called “Loonies” and can deliver more information than a QR or barcode. The patron shows a purchase screen on their phone to show that loonies have been deposited in the account for the business on a public ledger. This feature is found on the page called “Loony”.
The second feature is an epiphany. An epiphany creates, crowd sourcing, rehearsals and competition to produce art, sports and performances. A person with Down syndrome is singing Karaoke in a crowded bar, an epiphany tells patrons how they can be back up singers, dances, take video, clap and cheer wildly and introduce themselves to the Hero so that the Hero feels like a star and is accepted and loved. This feature is found on the page called “Play”.
The third feature is an open source community owned TV series called “Special Heroes.” This is our primary feature as it demonstrates quality of life solutions so that other families can copy, improve or use those solutions for their loved ones. This feature is found on the page called “Work.”
The first marketing feature is a First Responders Boat Parade. This media event will do three things. First it will gather a wide range of businesses, organizations and individuals along with the Police, Fire, EMS, Veterans and Special Heroes featured in the parade. Second it will create a large audience for the launch of the TV series “Special Heroes.” Finally it will train thousands of people in the use of the software so they can be ready for the interactive commercials found on the TV series.
The second marketing feature is a reward point called a “Loony” that is shared between multiple nonprofits and businesses. Loonies create exclusive coupons that only volunteers or donors have access to.
The third marketing feature are the interactive commercials found in the TV series. These encourage, reward and precisely interact with viewers on an individual level to altruistically encourage them to become brand loyal to sponsors. The results of their impact on the featured hero by becoming brand loyal is publicly shared.
3 Types of Epiphanies Arts, Sports & Volunteer
"The Karaoke Challenge Game" is the name of our arts category.
"The Drunken Sailor" is the name of our sports category.
"Feeding Mermaids at the Petting Zoo" is the name of our volunteer category. (Similar to Sea World. Mermaids do tricks (volunteer) when you feed them loonies. (our reward points are called loonies)
Arts - A one line Dad joke, a full length production or any form of art.
Sports - A simple game of darts. team sports or an interactive live streamed tournament at multiple locations. Drunken sailors think that gambling is a sport.
Volunteer - "Fun raising" -Wash your own car or feed loonies to the Mermaids at the Petting Zoo to wash your car for you.
"Traditional Volunteer" - The Atlanta Volunteers awards community service hours for your resume, work, school or misdemeanor probation.
Loonies create fun (fund) raisers where no cash or credit cards are used. Any nonprofit we list gets 100% of your donation.
For each 25 cents that you donate to any nonprofit we list, you get 1 loony. You spend loonies on volunteer coupons, epiphanies, gambling, feeding mermaids at the petting zoo, bribing judges, grog, grub and the rest you can squander.
What do Pirates want? Booty. What pirate will win the Booty Contest? The one with the Biggest Booty. What happens when you feed loonies to Mermaids? They stuff them into their treasure chest and their Booty gets bigger. (loonies could put some plastic surgeons out of business!)
We playfully refer to any person that works in the food industry as a "Mermaid". Everyone else is known as a "Shark."
Feed the Mermaids or feed the sharks.
In most cases a Mermaid is a server at a restaurant, but not always. The second shift may be the Mermaids boyfriend, a 350lb biker with a wash mit in his hands. Although their booty is already pretty big, if you feed that second string mermaid some loonies they could wash your car and really work that sudsy booty. Another way to look at it is "Getting loony" by washing cars, lawn care, walking dogs or doing any type of volunteer labor to support a nonprofit is what we call "Feeding the Mermaids," or "Feeding the Sharks."
To get your car washed you donate through PayPal to “Get Loony.” The 350lb mermaid, (yes there are bigger hairier ones) has created a “volunteer coupon” to wash your car. When a volunteer coupon is purchased loonies are transferred into the "Bootymasters" (author of the volunteer coupon) account. A purchase screen is shown to the Bootymaster to redeem the coupon. This means the transaction is hands free for the Bootymaster. If the volunteer coupon has a barcode from a business that needs to be scanned to redeem the volunteer coupon, the barcode (or QR code) shows on the phone screen and can be scanned by the business.
To add some fun, instead of sticking QR codes some place obvious like a menu or table, sharks and Mermaids have the option of using a temporary tattoo. This temporary tattoo is a barcode or QR code. It could last up to 4 weeks or less than a day. (we provide temporary QR tattoos and stickers or you can print them yourself) You can place the QR code anywhere you want. (Will the catfish snap a picture while they are scanning the QR code? Their finger is on the button.) Just a guess, but I will bet Mermaids that want a bigger booty, will find some way to lure sailors to their doom by placing the QR code on their treasure chest and inviting sailors to use their phone to scan it.
The term “Petting Zoo” refers to the restaurant or sports bar the Mermaids work in, and is an accurate description, just ask them. This now explains the epiphany fun raiser called “Feeding Mermaids at the Petting Zoo”.
"The Karaoke Challenge Game" & the "Drunken Sailor" are easier to explain.
The Karaoke Challenge game is the arts category. It includes skits, dance, music and any type of art. You get loony for admission or for performances.
The Drunken sailor is the sports category. This includes any type of sport and sports that drunken sailors think they are good at. You get loony for winning, betting or bribing judges.
Gambling, bribing judges, catfishing, mutiny, false flag plays, agent provocateurs and in rare cases, out of desperation “honest” cough, cough “deals” are made at the Pirate Dive Bar to get loony and have the biggest booty.
One rule - You lose!
Method - always transfer loonies first and then expect nothing in return. This is the fastest way to lose.
There is a “bribe” widget on every epiphany or volunteer coupon. The person who creates that epiphany or volunteer coupon is the Bootymaster for that post. The post may grow to 100 or a 10,000 people each using that post. When somebody uses the bribe widget, the bootymaster gets loony. The Bootymaster can now trade their loony Booty for Prizes, booby prizes, booty prizes or feed the mermaids or sharks.
A booty prize is any deal where you trade loonies for cash, items, adventure or promises . A booty prize is also a way to split a donation or reward volunteers and innovators. As an example, a group of four people want to donate $100 to a nonprofit. One donor uses their credit card to donate the $100. The donor gets 400 loonies for their $100 donation. The other 3 people in the group give the donor $25 cash and the donor gives them 100 loonies, if they want to make a "fair" deal. You don't have to. You can make whatever cash and conditions for points you want. They can sell loonies for a higher or lower cash price than what you get when you donate to a nonprofit. If you have catfished a lot of loonies and have a really big booty, you can sell your loony booty for cash the same as splitting a donation. You might have a clearance sale and sell 100 loonies for $10 or be really proud of your loony booty and sell 100 loonies for $50. The nonprofits already got the "reel" money, so it dosen't matter what you do with your loony booty when you trade it for cash, items, promises or washing your car. Reselling their loony booty is how Mermaids can get cash (a second tip). The Mermaid may have created a volunteer coupon for the restuarant (petting zoo) where they work. After a week of people coming to the restuarant and redeeming loonies for the volunteer coupon, the Mermaids booty may weigh 1,000 loonies in the catfishing tournament. It would cost $250 in donations to get a booty that big. The Mermaid can sell her loony booty for $100 to her favorite customer (who is really proud of being treated special and getting a great deal by giving the Mermaid a $100) and this is how Mermaids get a second tip. The Mermaid might create other volunteer coupons or epiphanies to recycle their loony booty and sell it again for a cash tips.
It doesn't matter how you got loony, or the price and conditions when you sell or trade your loony booty.
Loonies are 100% worthless but you can sell (split a donation) loonies for a higher or lower amount than the 1 loony for 25 cents deal you get by donating with a credit card to the nonprofits we list. This is how you....
"Trade your Loony Booty for Cash!"
If you look at the examples of volunteer coupons you will see offers such as “donate $1 get $2 off.” These will easily generate donations and make coupons valuable, exclusive and let the Patron and Retailer virtue signal honestly, for the first time in virtue signaling history!
Volunteer coupons are hands free, do not need merchant hardware or software and do not require the download of an app, cookies, a verified email address or identity verification. They deliver more information than a bar code and have an interactive transaction where the Patron can leave comments, pictures and more while being 100% annonymous. If anyone does not like the comment for the salty language about that business, they can spend a few loonies to throw that pirate over board and the comment disappears.
1. Scan a QR code or use a search. 2. Open the coupon and click purchase. 3. Show your phone screen to the server or cashier.
Each time somebody shows a volunteer coupon on their phone the transaction is complete. The Bootymasters booty gets bigger and everybody can do a booty search to see the booty. This is without the server or cashier handling any type of paper coupon or scanning a reward card. The merchant has more information and an interactive connection with the Patron for more “deals”.
After a week or so the server or cashier looks at her booty. She has 400 loonies. If you donated $100 to a nonprofit you would get 400 loonies. You can’t help but think that those 400 loonies are worth $100. They are not. They are just as worthless as the pirates trying to redeem them or lose them gambling on catfishing tournaments. However, we can’t help but think they are worth $100.
“Hey, I see you are about to buy some loonies with your credit card. Do you really want to use your credit card at some place called the Pirate Dive Bar? You are my favorite customer and you look so handsome and strong, since you always treat me nice I will sell you 400 loonies for $60, no wait, I really, really like you, $50 I will sell you $100 worth of loonies for $50 cash. Give me a hug and I will make it $40.” (In most cases a hug would have raised the price, but a skilled catfisher knows how to hook and release the catfish only to catch them again)
The server or cashier uses the bribe widget to transfer 400 loonies into the Patrons account and the Patron gives them $40 cash. This $40 is like a second tip the server or cashier gets when they first see the Patron. The Patron believes they just saved $60 by spending $40.
How does the Patron know where the mermaids are? They visit the “Mermaids Lair” and find a business who uses volunteer coupons.
The Patron feels special because they saved $60 and got a hug. The nonprofits got the real money and two more people who will tell their friends to support their favorite nonprofit by having fun. The Bootymaster can now walk away with all the booty, some cash and is the master, the "Bootymaster."
Non profits and for profits
Non profit and for profit revenue and activities must be kept separate. Think of a football game, a hospital, a ballet or museum. They all have nonprofits and for profits working together on a shared mission. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for Special Heroes. We welcome all nonprofits and for profits to share in this mission.
Crowd Sourcing Art – The Karaoke Challenge Game
You sell tickets to support a ballet or a symphony. This is an example of using art as a non profit fund raiser. You sell a taxi ride to get to the ballet, this is a for profit activity even if a special hero was driving the cab.
The art we will sell with nonprofits and for profits is a 30 episode TV series called “Special Heroes.”
Epiphanies will create and rehearse crowd sourced content. Because we are broadcasting from our own server, we can use volunteer coupons to create interactive commercials, retail sales and contests. This is possible as unlike when you broadcast from X, tik tok, or FB we can "see" each person who logged in and create contests just for them.
In a sports bar the Karaoke Challenge Game or the Drunken sailor lets people find and interact with each other and have fun no matter how loud the bar is. This introduces volunteer coupons and epiphanies in a consumer friendly way. Some people will take a deeper dive into how they function and understand how they will turn each of the 3,000 boats of the First Responder Boat Parade into something similar to a live streamed interactive game or exhibit booth at a State Fair.
On the day of the parade other people will watch the boat parade on their phone at home. They will be able to select any boat and engage the epiphany “booth” that boat has set up. If that boat owner is also the owner of a business you may see “volunteer coupons” to get discounts at that business. Every time you donate to get loony so you can play games at that booth you get access to specials and discounts at the business that epiphany booth represents. The “Bootymaster” (booth operator) scores higher on a leaderboard for the parade with the loonies they "harvest."
On Sunday May 19, the First Responders Boat Parade will try for a world record. We will also launch pre-production of the TV series as 10's of thousands of people will have logged in to watch the parade.
After the boat parade, we have an audience for the TV series.
The object of this game is to “Get Loony” then "Surrender The Booty".
A Dubloon is a pirate coin. We call them “loony”. When you “Get Loony” your booty gets bigger. The biggest booty wins, just like that dating site you spend way too much time on. At the Pirate Dive Bar you can get lucky enough to surrender your booty!
The only people who can "Get Loony" are people who have volunteered or donated to a nonprofit. The one exception is if you are a skilled catfisher, (fun raiser) which we hope you will become. In that case you can trade your big loony booty for cash with a "Booty Prize."
(Loonies are actually a virtuous currency for honest, compassionate people who know the value in supporting their community.)
If somebody has a big booty you should admire them!
Creating fun for a TV series, boat parades, nonprofits and your social media are very fun reasons to play and become a skilled catfisher with a big booty.
The term “Bootymaster” is used to describe just about everyone at the Pirate Dive Bar and is used in a lot of different ways. Anyone who creates a volunteer coupon or an epiphany is the bootymaster of that post. The bootymaster gets loony when somebody bribes them. Volunteer coupons and Epiphanies have a messenger called "Bribe" on the second page. The details of your bribe and the loony booty you send with it appears on a public ledger. You can see the booty and bribe history of every person with a booty search. Your booty and bribes are out in the open for everyone to look at.
Catfishing is where you troll for loonies. When loonies bribe you, your loony Booty gets bigger.
There are no secrets at the Pirate Dive Bar. Everyone can look at your Booty and your “loony history” (found under your profile top right > Balance > Loony History & scroll down.
When you look at somebodies Booty you can determine how they get loony with a booty search . (found in the tools menu on the loony page). The Booty search is the only way you can “Mutiny Against Crime” at the pirate dive bar.
Bootymasters create epiphanies to play and rehearse for competition during “Catfishing Tournaments.” Our first big catfishing Tournament is during the First Responders Boat Parade, Sunday May 19, 2024 Lake Lanier. Catfish are weighed in loonies on the scale and prizes are awarded. Prizes go to whoever bribed the judge and booby prizes are given to those who bribed too much or too little.
Bootymasters of epiphanies will live stream during the parade. Our goal is to have one Bootymaster on each of the 3,000 boats and 3,000 different epiphanies to choose from.
All Captains in the boat parade will be looking for a boat load of Bootymasters to help them “Get Loony.”
There is a “Captains & Bootymasters” page designed to create crews with at least one Bootymaster on each boat and with any luck a few mermaids. If you have a Captain and a Lookout you should have at least one Bootymaster to live stream their epiphany as the Captain and Lookout have dedicated duties. (Some people call their wives lookouts. Lookouts will spot a Mermaid long before you do and lookout for you looking for Mermaids.) There is a 3,000 boat limit for the parade. Everything is first come but preference is given to a crew of 4 or more when you have a Captain, Lookout, Bootymaster and a Mermaid as part of that crew. You are given priority over just a 3 person or 2 person crew.
During the boat parade, all of your crew (not the captain) rehearses and performs an “epiphany.” This epiphany is what you live stream so you can use it as catfishing bait for the loonies watching the boat parade from home. The epiphany can be art, sports, contests games or the important thing, recognizing First Responders. This could be how your "float" is decorated for the first reponders you honor by inviting them onto your boat to play with the Bootymasters and Mermaids.
Anyone sitting on their lazy booty at home can choose any boat and view the boat parade on their phone and use bribes catfished by the Bootmaster or be lured to doom by the Mermaid.
You only need to know this
Clicking on the top left button (house or dashboard) takes you to the front or back of this website.
Clicking on the top right icon takes you to your account where you will find "Loony" then "Loony history."
Clicking on a volunteer coupon in the loony section or an epiphany in the Play section takes you to a second page so you can purchase or barter for the item.
In the Loony menu "Show Coupons" lets you show purchased coupons to retailers so you can redeem a coupon.
A green SAILOR post with a positive moderation score should be safe to read. An orange LANDLUBBER post with a negative score means it probably contains offensive content and you should avoid reading it.
In the Loony menu the "Tools, bribes & To do" button lets you send loonies to another player or do a booty search on any player.
Volunteer Coupons & Epiphanies
Only virtuous people who support their community by volunteering or donating to nonprofits have access to volunteer coupons and epiphanies.
They are very different than the "free" coupons and deals stuffing your mailbox each day.
Typically a volunteer coupon is a discount at a restuarant or retail business given to a person that donated money, items or volunteered for their community.
Volunteer coupons can also be used very effectively at apartment clubhouses to encourage people to volunteer where they live. Items or loonies are exchanged for good deeds. The loonies can be exchanged for other good deeds or items.
An epiphany creates fun, art, sports or adventure. A half dozen communication tools can quickly locate a person in a noisy crowded restuarant that you normally never get a chance to meet. You might want to play darts, bet on a game, dance or sing a karaoke duet. The rehearsal and social media production feature of an epiphany lets you crowd source social media productions.
A volunteer coupon lets you purchase immediatly. With an epiphany you negotiate. You send 1 loony and a simple message such as "Hi are you online?" If they are online they will send you one loony back with a simple message. You can now start negotiations.
Volunteer coupons and epiphanies both allow for a mix of live and online interactions to stop and start hours, days or months apart.
When you see something in the "Loony" store you can click to purchase a coupon or use the bribe widget to barter for it. Either way, you have created a public record and the coupon does not need to be scanned the retailer has access to it and your purchase. Once you purchase a coupon with loonies, on the "Loony" page you click on "Show Coupons". Scroll through your purchased coupons and show it on your phone to the cashier, server or mermaid to get the discount. You have saved them the trouble of scanning a paper coupon and throwing it out later when you are not around.
If you use the bribe widget and transferred loonies, follow the directions that were part of the bribe. The transaction shows up on your "Loony History" and not under "Show Coupons."
We strongly recommend using the "bribe" widget. "Bribe" transfers loonies to the mermaid or bootymaster directly. Purchase removes the loonies from the game.
Booty Prize - Loony Math
Use your credit card and donate $20 to get 80 loonies. You sell the 80 loonies to your buddy for $10. What happened? The nonprofit got a $20 donation from you and it only cost you $10. Your buddy thinks a lot of you and has 80 loonies worth $20 so you both can create skits or enter tournaments. Did you just gain in value? You now have 80 loonies worth $20, $10 cash and the nonprofit got a $20 donation.
You both did great with your skits and tournaments you end up with 400 loonies. It took a $100 in donations to create those loonies. You sell them all for $50. The person that bought them got them at half price and you got $50. Did you sell the loonies for a loss or gain $50?
Anytime you transfer loonies they randomly shrink by 15% to 25%. Sometimes just to fool you, just like the Federal Reserve playing with interest rates, you might get 115% or more when you transfer them. Just like the Feds, only we will know when we are about to play with the rates. By selling loonies for cash you give a lesson in loony math that markets the mystery of the Pirate Dive Bar and how a worthless fiat currency works.
If a Mermaid has feasted on a hundred loony coupons she might have a really big booty. If you give cash to that Mermaid to get loony with her, this new stream of cash makes her become a great public relations sea creature for the Pirate Dive Bar. The Mermaid shoves the cash booty into her shirt where the rest of the booty and her treasure chest is and walks away with all the booty.
Before you can create coupons or list a mermaids lair you must add a new venue.
On the "loony" page you will see the "Treasure" button. Click on that to go to the "Add a new venue" page.
It should only take a minute to add your venue. Use the "Edit" button to add more details when you have time.
Creating Coupons
On the "Loony" page choose "Create" and in a minute or two you can create a volunteer coupon. There are no printing or mailing costs and these coupons have value as you have to volunteer or work to get them. People are proud to use these coupons as it shows they are virtuous.
Record Keeping is automatic. Whoever created the coupon has a complete record in their "Loony History" of everyone who purchased or bartered for the coupon. If a record is needed for a total amount your business donated, you can contact the Atlanta Volunteers to automatically set it up. Besides a ledger you can view, we can also set an automatic email to you for each coupon redeemed and a running total on how much your business donated through the use of coupons to nonprofits.
The first obvious benefit is that employees (Mermaids) that barter coupons can redeem them loonies for prizes, donated items or cash. There is a stronger benefit for a few employees that have a person born with a disability in their family. A team building opportunity now exists for your business to produce an episode for "The Tropical Adventure Competition". Your business will build a stronger team as they all work together to help a fellow employee and their family have the adventure of a lifetime.
The About page contains features that make the whole website come alive. This page is under construction.
Under construction Loony
Under construction Play
Under construction Work
Under construction About
Under construction Mermaids
Under construction Booty
Under construction Siren Song
Under construction Lure Sailors
Under construction Feeding Frenzy
Under construction Bootymaster
Under construction Mermaid
Under construction pirate school
Under construction work
If you are human, leave this field blank.