Fan Comments Team Page Fan Search Everyone is encouraged to comment on these team pages using the Comment on the Team Pages section found at the Coaches Office. The page there is where you can help build the story.This page is where you can view all the comments your teams page. All the "tryouts" start with information contained on these Team Pages. This is where the research and crowd sourcing of your episode starts! Lookup the coach BuddyHouse marvel2023 Skipper Select the Hero Some coaches have multiple heros If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Start Over Use the above search or choose from all the team pages belowCoach Skipper [if 8636 not_equal=””]Hero [8636][/if 8636] Skipper The pilot for the pilot episode Coach marvel2023 [if 8636 not_equal=””]Hero [8636][/if 8636] marvel2023 Coach BuddyHouse [if 8636 not_equal=””]Hero [8636][/if 8636] Scuba1 [if 8636 not_equal=””]Hero [8636][/if 8636] BuddyHouse [if 8636 not_equal=””]Hero [8636][/if 8636] Rockerz [if 8636 not_equal=””]Hero [8636][/if 8636] Rockerz