There are no rules in the Pirate Dive Bar so make up your own party rules.
You pit your good cause against another’s good cause by convincing people to spend, gamble or play all the loonies they have. To keep playing they have to donate again and support your good cause. At the end of the game the Bootymaster redeems loonies for the hero, team, charity or cause you are supporting.
To run a false flag play, you pretend to be on a team working for a good cause and then in the last minute of play, you support a different one.
This advanced example is a house party, but raft ups, beach parties, sports bars and any location or activity can be used.
At a house party with the purpose of supporting animal rescue (cows not included).
“Last steak, who wants it?”
“I have 20 loonies left, is that enough?”
“Sure”. (The transfer is made) There you go, it is yours. Do you want a plate? The plate will be another 10 loonies, better donate to get them fast looks like that steak is going to burn”
When a competitor in the Special Olympics raises $1 in donations for the Special Olympics, the Special Olympics give the competitor $0.25 as a fund raising commission. When you create reasons for players at your house party to donate a $1 for loonies, we give you $0.25 in commission. But it is paid as a loony here at the Pirate Dive Bar. Anyone can redeem this loony by exchanging 4 loonies for $0.25. This is the opposite of the 4 loonies for $1 that we sell them for. If you figure it out it is about a nickel and that keeps us in range of being a good nonprofit and keeping our fund raising expenses to around 5%. Paypal also takes out a cut.
You are free to set your own price to buy or sell loonies. Imagine that you are buying and selling some of Hunter Bidens artwork, same thing except we are legal in that we use loonies and not real dollars. You can inflate or deflate the value all you want. You may tell someone that instead of them buying loonies with their credit card and getting four for a dollar from the Pirate Dive Bar, you will sell two for a dollar to avoid their credit card hassle. You may have cheated others out of a whole bunch of loonies and decide to sell them 10 for a dollar if paid in cash. You can take anything in trade for loonies. We encourage you to undercut us or rip us off and use your loony booty however you want.
Let The Party Begin
The party host is the bootymaster. Mutiny is best played without anyone having their phone in their hands. The Bootymaster will have to look at her phone at the beginning of the party and as people leave. It is even better if she designates 1 or more people to be gamers so that she does not have to look at her phone at all.
Online players can watch the party by zoom and take part in gambling or daring the live players and this is the job for the gamers. The party guests do not have to use their phones but they can.
Before arriving, and it could be weeks before, the guests have listed the food, drink, items and services they are contributing as prizes at the prize counter. Guests can also list bets, dares, challenges and activities that include casino games, the karaoke challenge game, foot races, dance challenges, darts, board games and anything.
As players arrive the Bootymaster collects all the food, drink and booby prizes the guests are bringing. If they have forgot to list or bring prizes, at anytime during the party they can list prizes, and the Bootymaster can look at the time stamp and punish them inappropriately. Some booby prizes may simply be an I.O.U promise written on a piece of paper. Booby Prizes may have consequences or dares.
The Bootymaster can also charge admission in loonies on a variable rate depending on what you brought and how well she likes you. You might even be paid to attend if you brought that mostly hot sister-wife, mermaid or good dog with you.
As players arrive
The easiest way to play is for the Bootymaster to trade electronic loonies for poker chips. A player transfers her one electronic loony for every poker chip loony they get. This lets players put their phones down and play with poker chips (pirate coins) and turn them back into electronic loonies at the end of the night. She can redeem electronic loonies or pirate coins for anything she wants to including bets, dares and bribes to make the party interesting but she does not have to. She sets her own exchange. She usually redeems the poker chips for the food and prizes people brought. At the end of the party she is under no obligation to trade poker chips back into loonies. She can make deals, she can even set up scams with other players to make it look like she is giving out good deals. If she has to, she reluctantly resorts to being honest and makes some almost honest trades at the end of the night.
Any person can check the public register or personal ledger to see what the Bootymaster did with the booty she cheated you out of.. Did it go to support a hero or good cause? You will know if she was a devil all night and then turned into an angel the next day by checking the Public Ledger or her ledger.
Bribe The Bootymaster
The Bootymaster has fiat power and controls a fiat currency.
The Bootymaster may decide to assign or sell her title to any other player for any conditions. She might simply let players all rotate in the position of Bootymaster. She should take bribes to rig games and punish the innocent. All other players may lie and claim they are the bootymaster. The public ledger shows the actual transfer of power.
You login and out to switch your avatar between Real or Sailor, Landlubber and Pirate mutiny avatars.
When playing as a Sailor you are expected to always tell the truth, never gamble, drink, cuss, punish or enslave others unless absolutely necessary. The Landlubber shifts between being a sailor or pirate and the Pirate always lies, drinks, cusses, punishes and enslaves others except when it is necessary.
Sailors raise donations with hard work and the honest sale of goods and services. Sailors win loonies in athletic or knowledge competitions. They are the most coveted position on the leaderboards.
When dealing with a Pirate you should expected them to lie, cheat, steal and especially “Catfish” the other players out of their loonies. Pirates test their skills as a huckster, carnival barker and con man to convince people that they need to transfer loonies to them for this “sure bet”. Since everyone knows the games are rigged and the pirates running them are crooked you have very little chance of winning, so you have to be very clever to cheat the cheaters or bribe the Bootymaster. You can find Pirates by checking the Public Ledger and every ones personal ledger and report guilty parties to the Bootymaster to be fined, punished or both. To little of a bribe to the Bootymaster when you buy justice has uncertain results.
The messenges that we send are called “Bootyrats”. Bootyrats eat part of your loonies as you transfer them. Our ships are infested, but you can earn loonies by catching “Bootyrats”.
Three rules
- Your turn ends when you transfer loonies, there are no refunds or complaints
- You get paid first then decide if you will comply with the deal or just take the loonies
- You never have to keep any promise or deal made, but you can
Before you start any bet, party, game or challenge you should read postings in categories that match what you are doing. The postings contain ideas, skits, challenges, players, wagers and more that can make your party exciting and profitable by involving online players or connecting two or more parties together by zoom. The zoom function lets virtual players watch the party and make bets from wherever they are. This can let live players create bogus scenes to catfish online players into betting.
When you are finished with your party. Post about what went right or wrong. You can even include a link to a clip from your party so that you can pay other people loonies to add sound or effects and upload it back to your profile and social media to try and make a “bumper” for the TV series. The more parties that people have the more party ideas that will be shared to make all fund raising parties great and the TV series successful.