I couldĀ
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Take The Bait! These people have Entered the silent auction. Wager, join the gang doing group sourced media, bribe or challenge
The current winner is the top most position unless you are being catfished, challenged, bribed or forced into a gang. The Catfisher will notify you if they like your offer and then work out the conditions.
My Wager 360 loonies
Conditions of parley
This is what I look like when talking nice.
Media ReplyMedia Password if needed cameron@theabilityrevolution.com-
My Wager 350 loonies
Conditions of parley
You also get my dog!
Media ReplyMedia Password if needed cameron@theabilityrevolution.com-
My Wager 330 loonies
Conditions of parley
Yup! I will win this one
Media ReplyMedia Password if needed dog@cat.com-
My Wager 300 loonies
Conditions of parley
Media ReplyMedia Password if needed cameron@theabilityrevolution.com-
My Wager 50 loonies
Conditions of parley
I will take that puppy!
Media ReplyMedia Password if needed cameron@theabilityrevolution.com